My Progress...

Number of Recipes Collected: 8
Number of Days Left: 335

What is My Recipe Collection Project?

I love to cook! I love to cook everything from soups and breads to salads and pies. But I’m getting tired of looking through fancy cookbooks and gourmet magazines for good recipes to try out, only to find out that they are way too complicated, or require some specialty ingredient, or wind up not tasting that great. I want some tried and true delicious recipes from home. That’s where the idea for this project came from. One girl’s simple quest to find some recipes from regular people (non-chefs) who wouldn’t mind sharing. Okay, so I added some rules, but that’s just to make it more exciting!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 14
Number of Recipes Collected: 4
(I've really collected 5, but two were from the same person, so I can only count that as 1. See rules for explanation.)

I’ve picked my last harvest of jalapeños from the plant on my back porch. The season is officially over. I’ve decided to give them away at work. I can’t figure out what to do with them all. I could make a soup or a chili and throw in a couple jalapeños. Or toss some in cornbread. But I’ve got a Ziploc bag full, which is way too many for one person to consume. If you’ve got a recipe that requires fresh jalapeños, please send it my way.

I’m also looking for a recipe for Squash Casserole (this is also known as Squash Soufflé in some circles). I am absolutely smitten by the squash casserole/soufflé at the OK Café here in Atlanta. (If you have never been, you need to get yourself over there today! I’m going to write into the Food Network’s Diner, Dive-Ins, and Drives tv show and suggest they pay a visit to the OK Café.) Their squash casserole is a perfect combination of mayonnaise and Ritz crackers, with some squash added in for good measure.

I love the South for its sides. Squash casserole. Baked beans. Macaroni and cheese (which I just detested as a kid, but now love). Did you know that macaroni and cheese is considered a vegetable in the South? True story. A vegetable!

The following recipe comes from Award-Winning Children's Book Author Kim Siegelson . You can check out her books at her website I highly recommend her novel Trembling Earth. I met Kim at the Voices in Children’s Literature Conference I went to at the beginning of the month:

Sullivan Street Bakery “No Knead Bread”
Recipe #4: Kim S., Atlanta, GA

3 c. all-purpose flour
¼ tsp instant yeast
1 ½ tsp salt

Combine the ingredients in a large bowl with 1 5/8 c. water and stir until blended. Dough will be sticky and shaggy. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest 12-18 hours at room temperature.
When the dough is dotted with bubbles, turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Sprinkle flour over and fold dough over on itself one to two times (like tucking). Cover with the plastic wrap and let rest 15 minutes.
Uncover and shape it into a ball, quickly, by tucking the sides beneath it. Flour a cotton tea towel (or pillowcase) and put dough on top with seam down, then cover and let rise another 2 hours. It will double in size and spring back when poked.
At the 1 ½ hour mark, heat the oven to 450 degrees. And put s 6-8 quart heavy lidded pot (cast iron, Pyrex, or ceramic…think Dutch oven) in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, remove pot from oven. Using the towel, transfer dough to pot. “Dump it in” seam side up. Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes. Remove lid and bake another 15-20 minutes, until crispy and brown. Cool on a rack and enjoy!

Kim adds, “Plan on a total of 16-18 hours from start to finish. Most of that time is waiting for dough to rise. I begin it at night before bed and finish the next day.”

1 comment:

GregM said...

Hi there, I used to be a manager at OK Cafe and was looking up some recipes on line and found your project. Here's the Squash casserole recipe;

3 lbs of sliced cooked squash
2 cups of mayo
1 1/2 cups of grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of chopped green onions
1 stick of butter
salt and pepper to taste
1 package of crushed Ritx crackers

Melt the stick of butter and saute the onions till tender. Mix together with the rest of the ingredients except the Ritz crackrers. Pour into a well oiled casserole dish and top the mixture with the crushed crackers. Cook for 30 minutes at 350.