My Progress...

Number of Recipes Collected: 8
Number of Days Left: 335

What is My Recipe Collection Project?

I love to cook! I love to cook everything from soups and breads to salads and pies. But I’m getting tired of looking through fancy cookbooks and gourmet magazines for good recipes to try out, only to find out that they are way too complicated, or require some specialty ingredient, or wind up not tasting that great. I want some tried and true delicious recipes from home. That’s where the idea for this project came from. One girl’s simple quest to find some recipes from regular people (non-chefs) who wouldn’t mind sharing. Okay, so I added some rules, but that’s just to make it more exciting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 6
Number of Recipes Collected: 1

I’m going to check my mailbox after work. I have high hopes that there will be an envelope in it. Several people have told me that they’ve sent my email and blog to their friends. I sit and wait.

But don’t confuse sitting and waiting with bored. November is actually turning into a really busy month for me. I’ve started this project, so I need to keep up with sending out my daily mailers. I’ve joined NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which is just the ticket if you have been procrastinating beginning writing your great American novel. I have. I highly recommend checking out their website if you need a fire lit under your butt. I’ve got a huge event that I’m planning for the last week of November at work. And I still haven’t begun Love in the Time of Cholera, my book club’s selection for this month. Someone told me it was kind of a chore to get through. Yikes. And, of course, there’s Thanksgiving, the best holiday of them all.

I’m not reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez because I’ve been totally absorbed in two books by Judith Ryan Hendricks about a woman who moves to Seattle and works in a bakery and bakes bread. I actually became so inspired by all of her bread baking that two Saturdays ago I baked my very first loaf of bread. Ever. I made oatmeal honey bread. My house smelled sensational! I gave one loaf to Becky and Andy and kept one for myself. To paraphrase Scarlett O’Hara, I will never buy a loaf of supermarket bread again! (We’ll see how long that lasts.) This Saturday I going to try my hand at focaccia. I’m thinking rosemary and thinly sliced red onions.

Last night as I was reading The Baker’s Apprentice, Hendricks’s main character exclaimed that the reason Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday is because it is the only holiday that’s entirely focused on the preparation and consumption of food.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

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